Hi! My name is Karissa McCallum.
I’m a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, doula, and essential oil educator.
I graduated from Pacific College of Health Sciences – Chicago. There I took eleven semesters of classes and completed fifteen clinic shifts over the course of approximately four years.
Outside of my career, I’m also known as wife to Patrick and mom to Ilyanna, Alydia, Lennox, and Oraylia. Let’s not forget Ziggy & Zoey (our dogs)!
I’m so glad you’re here! If there are three things I always remember being interested in, it’s medicine, birth, and babies/children.
From a young age, I thought I wanted to be a pediatrician but pivoted my sophomore year of college at Northwestern University and majored in Human Development and Psychological Services. Upon graduation, I still wasn’t 100% sure on my career path, so I assistant taught Kindergarten for a year. I gained a lot of respect for teachers but felt my heart pulling me elsewhere. I ran into someone who graduated a year ahead of me from NU. She told me she was studying East Asian Medicine, and this pre-med dropout was intrigued. My friend explained the medicine as treating the mind, body, and spirit, and she was learning to use certain foods and herbs to support the body’s healing. This was it! Instead of choosing between nursing, psychology/social work, nutrition, or something like personal training and/or group fitness, all routes I was considering, I felt like becoming an acupuncturist and herbalist combined so many of those interests.
I enrolled at Pacific College of Health Sciences without ever having received an acupuncture treatment. That being said, I was suffering from amenorrhea at the time, which is a lack of menstruation, after going off the birth control pill. Through acupuncture treatments, taking herbs, and making dietary changes, my cycle returned and continued to be regulated. While in school, I met my husband. Before I knew it, I was opening a practice in downtown Chicago and planning a wedding simultaneously. We had our first baby nine months after our wedding. During that pregnancy, and the ones that followed, I received acupuncture treatments and took herbs, going on to have healthy, quick, unmedicated home births. (Feel free to ask me about them; I love sharing those stories!) I encapsulated my placentas and had overall positive postpartum experiences. I would say that my care and births with Gentle Birth Care, and the doulas that supported me, helped fuel my passion for working with, and supporting, women through their pregnancy, birth and postpartum. (During my last birth, my daughters were my doulas.) My experiences really changed the way I view birth, which is very different from how most of society views it. I want women to trust their bodies and their babies, to find providers who support their birth plans, to see the beauty in this stage of life. Yes, that includes the birth process. These are some of the reasons I became a certified doula but not the only one.
I want women to feel educated, empowered, and supported in however, wherever, they want to give birth. That being said, I certainly have my favorite places and providers.
Ilyanna’s birth photographer asked me if I’d be interested in some sort of trade, and I loved the idea! This photographer, who is both a patient and good friend, became pregnant a little over a year later and asked me to be her “acupuncture doula.” She wasn’t expecting me to take any official training; she just wanted the relaxation she experiences from acupuncture and my support as a friend. However, my personality, and love of learning, led me to DONA birth doula training. Her birth was the first I attended, and I have been working with families since then. I want women to feel educated, empowered, and supported in however, wherever, they want to give birth. That being said, I certainly have my favorite places and providers.
Speaking of providers, I now work at Family Tree Holistic Health in Arlington Heights, where I treat a lot of conditions. While I am clearly passionate about women’s health, including fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum, I also like addressing emotional well-being, insomnia, headaches/migraines, pediatrics, and more. If you ever wonder if acupuncture can help with something, just ask! I call my treatments Essential Acupuncture because I incorporate my love and knowledge of therapeutic grade essential oils.
I personally started using oils when I was exploring teething remedies for my oldest. She was six months-old. Since then, I use essential oils on myself, with my patients, and with my family. Essential oils are a natural addition to my practice as many of the oils are concentrated forms of Chinese herbs e.g. cinnamon bark, ginger, peppermint, etc. My love, and recommendation to use essential oils outside of the office, is what led me to create my own essential oil products. From “Calming Your Mind” to “Relieving Your Headaches,” I am certain that you will find something to benefit you. If not, I will make you a custom product to address your needs. I am continuously expanding and adding to my line of rollerballs and room sprays.
When not in the office or attending a birth, you’ll likely find me homeschooling, cooking, snuggling with my family watching a (Hallmark) movie or getting some self-care in: working out, yoga, a long soak in the tub, reading, journaling, etc.
Licensing / Accreditations
I am passionate about the overall wellness of my patients and enjoy taking continuing education classes.
Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist in Illinois
DONA Certified Doula
Chi Nei Tsag (internal massage of the organs)
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Facial Diagnosis
Abdominal Diagnosis and Treatment
Food as Therapy
Immunology for Children
1 year with Marie-France Collin, known for her use of accessory techniques (cupping, moxa and gua sha) and channel pathway treatments
Shadowed Dr. Lixin Sha, who received her training in China. Dr. Sha offers years of experience in treating women’s health, pain, and more.
Prior to graduating, I spent a month in China attending lectures on the treatment of sports injuries, eye disorders, nourishing life principles and herbal processing. Additionally, I observed inpatient rotations in the neurology, urology, gastroenterology, respiratory, rheumatology, and obstetrics and gynecology departments.
Canonical Chinese Medicine Training: Shanhan Lun
Canonical Chinese Medicine Training Jingui Yaolue
Balance Method with Dr. Tan
Build Your Confidence with Pediatric Essentials Robin Ray Green, L.Ac
Everyday Holistic Pediatrics Elisa Song, MD
The Treatment of Gynecological Disorders with Herbs and Essential Oils Peter Holmes L.Ac, MH
Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Their Clinical Application with Marie-France Collin
Infertility: Blending Eastern and Western Medicine with Dr. Kate Phillippi L.Ac, DACM, FABORM
Integrative Approach for Common Fertility and Reproductive Disorders Laura Erlich, L.Ac
An Integrative Approach to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Repeated Implantation Failure Ursula Ritz, L.Ac
Maternity Acupuncture- Clinical Realities: Problem Solving Through Clinical Scenarios Debra Betts, L.Ac
Habitual Miscarriage: Diagnosis and Treatment with Case Studies Sharon Weizenbaum, L.Ac
Successful Ways to Manage Your Doula Business
Perinatal Mental Health and the Intersection of Domestic Violence
Postpartum Mood Disorders: How to Build Your Client’s Resiliency
Ethical Dilemma of Recreational Marijuana Use for Breastfeeding and Pregnant People
Designing a Successful Brand
Issues in the Breech Presentation
Breastfeeding in Special Circumstances