Essential Acupuncture

Essential Oils + Acupuncture


Acupuncture Consultation: Free

Essential Acupuncture: $85

Essential Acupuncture Plus: $105
(Essential Acupuncture + Cupping/Gua Sha)


Acupuncture utilizes thin, flexible, stainless steel, sterile, single-use needles inserted into acupuncture points. The needles can both strengthen the body AND help remove blockages. While acupuncture alleviates symptoms, it is also meant to bring the body back to balance so the symptoms don’t return. After the needles are inserted, Karissa will apply at least one of her therapeutic grade essential oil blends to enhance the effects of the treatment.

Essential oils are potent, volatile, and versatile liquids derived from plants. You can think of them as “plant juice.” Essential oils help the plant stay healthy, and they can also help us stay healthy. You can use them for aromatherapy, home cleaning, personal care, and support for every system of your body: skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, nervous, respiratory, lymphatic, urinary, reproductive, and integumentary (skin). Essential oils support everything from healthy brain function to healthy weight and are also used extensively for emotional support.

What to expect

Follow-up Essential Acupuncture appointments last approximately 45 minutes. The appointment begins with a review of your symptoms, progress, and setbacks. She will also look at your tongue and feel your pulses. Karissa then inserts the needles and applies the essential oils. From there, you get to relax for 20-30 minutes in the treatment room. You’ll hear ocean waves and calming music but are also welcome to bring in your own meditation.


Essential Pediatric Acupuncture 


Pediatric Essential Acupuncture: $70
(14 and under)

Yes, children can start receiving acupuncture/acupressure, in addition to cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, and herbs, at birth.

When it comes to acupuncture, they don’t really notice what’s happening. Plus, the needles don’t stay in long. If Karissa utilizes acupressure, she will also likely introduce essential oils.



The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses acupuncture as it is beneficial for a variety of conditions including:

  • Women’s health issues

  • Pregnancy

  • Mental/emotional health

  • Pain

  • Headaches

  • Digestive issues

  • High/low blood pressure 

  • And so much more!

You don’t even need to be presenting with symptoms to benefit from acupuncture. There are many advantages in receiving acupuncture BEFORE symptoms even arise. For example:

  • Strengthen your immune system before you get sick.

  • Alleviate areas of tension before they become areas of pain. 

  • Regulate your menstrual cycle early so you are set up for a better chance of conceiving.




Herbal Consult: $40

The history of Chinese medicine began in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE). However, the Chinese used herbs medicinally for millennia before. Herbs include barks, roots, leaves, seeds, minerals, and more. Different herbs enter different organs and channels, and you can take them in four main ways: raw/decoction, granules, tinctures, or pills.


What to expect

Karissa can prescribe herbs in addition to your acupuncture sessions, or you can come in for a 30-minute herbal consultation only. If you have not previously done so, you will fill out paperwork and spend time talking with Karissa about your health concerns. She will look at your tongue, feel your pulses (and possibly your abdomen), and then email you a prescription of where you can order your herbs from. They will be shipped directly to you!


Similar to acupuncture, herbs can treat any symptom you’re coming in for and can also prevent symptoms from arising. As with acupuncture, the goal is not just to alleviate the symptom but to prevent the symptom from returning. Two patients with the same Western diagnosis may receive completely different formulas based on your internal physiology.

Herbs can help everyone, including those with dealing with:

  • Infertility

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Menstrual or endometriosis pain

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Allergies

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Digestive issues

  • Fatigue


Cupping & Gua Sha


Cupping/Gua Sha Only: $40

Cupping: Cupping dates back to the beginning of the fourth century. Early practitioners utilized animal horns or bamboo and a flame to create suction, but seeing as it’s the 21st century, Karissa uses glass cups. By pulling air out of the cups (with a hand pump), it creates a vacuum seal.

Gua Sha: Gua translates as “friction” or “rubbing.” Sha refers to the reddish-purple splotches that result after treatment. Gua sha is performed with a smooth, round-edged tool, such as a spoon, combined with oil. The practitioner makes firm strokes on the selected area, often over tight muscles.


What to expect

Cupping and/or gua sha are a part of Essential Acupuncture Plus, or you can come in for just those therapies. You will spend a few minutes reviewing your current symptoms, and then Karissa will begin the treatment. Cupping is often utilized on larger surface areas, and gua sha is especially helpful in smaller areas such as the base of the skull and tops of the shoulders. You will likely receive sha from both of these therapies. It typically lasts 2-4 days but can last up to a week. The coloring can be pink, red, and even purple.



Both therapies promote proper circulation, which decreases inflammation and alleviates pain. They can also warm the area and prevent patients from becoming more sick if they come in early enough. Cups are typically applied to the back, chest, and/or abdomen.


Cupping & Gua Sha can help everyone, including those with dealing with:

  • Pain: back, knees, neck, and shoulders

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Constipation

  • Breathing issues (such as asthma)


Moxibustion (Moxa):

It is believed that moxibustion, also known as moxa, originated in cold, windy Northern China. There, inhabitants warmed themselves by spending time near the fire, and soon they developed moxa to treat symptoms they suffered from such as abdominal pain and distention. Moxa is composed of Artemisa Vulgaris, a Chinese herb from the chrysanthemum family. Practitioners burn the moxa on or above acupuncture points, and it can be formed into sticks, cones, and stick-ons.



Moxa is used to warm and strengthen, encourage the proper flow of circulation, and treat, as well as prevent, disease.

Moxa treats symptoms related to:

  • Gynecological disorders

  • Digestive disorders

  • Fatigue

  • Pain

  • Breech babies

What to expect

Since some patients are sensitive to the smell of moxa, Karissa does not burn it in the office. However, she has moxa sticks that you can purchase for home use, and she will teach you how to do it.



Karissa is a DONA Certified doula

PRICING: $2,000

$1800 for birth center & home births + repeat clients

Doula is a Greek word, which means “woman caregiver.” However, the word is now used to describe someone who is formally trained and experienced in supporting a woman, and her partner (if applicable), through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. This includes, but is not limited to, education, empowerment, emotional support, and physical comfort measures.


What to expect

Upon hiring Karissa, you have the ability to call, text, or email her with any questions or updates during the course of your pregnancy and postpartum period. Two official prenatal visits will be scheduled. One focuses on your birth plan (You will schedule this meeting after you have completed a childbirth education class of your choosing and feel fairly confident about most of the decisions you might have to make. Karissa is happy to provide you with additional resources, if you are still unsure on some interventions/procedures.), and one reviews what to do to prepare your body for labor, including teaching some acupressure, and how to best prepare for your postpartum period. Karissa wants you to be in touch with her whenever you think labor is beginning, and she will join you when you feel like you need her support. She will remain with you for an hour or two postpartum, depending on your needs. This includes, but is not limited to, photos/video, feeding support, and making sure Mom is never left alone, especially if the partner has to be with the baby for any reason. Depending on the location of your home & schedules, Karissa would like to come to your home 3-5 days postpartum to provide you a “mother warming” treatment (and acupuncture, if you would like). Mother warming utilizes moxa/moxibustion/mugwort to increase energy levels, help stop bleeding, and rebuild blood/support milk supply. During this treatment, you have the time & space to discuss anything you want related to your birth experience and/or transition to the postpartum period, including resources you may need. Karissa will continue to touch base with you, and when you are ready, she will prepare a nourishing postpartum meal of your choosing based on principles of East Asian Medicine and bring that over for one more meeting/visit. During the course of your pregnancy and postpartum period, Karissa can provide acupuncture treatments, prescribe herbs, create custom essential oil blends, etc. at an additional cost.

If you don’t know Karissa already, you can schedule a complimentary consultation to see if she is the right fit. She understands that having a doula is such a personal experience, and you need to feel comfortable with the person at your side. Karissa is a warm, compassionate doula with the knowledge and experience to guide you on your journey to motherhood, whether this is your first or third child. She is a constant source of emotional comfort and support, as well as information about what’s happening during your labor and postpartum. Not to mention, she has a lot of great connections to local referral sources e.g. chiropractor, lactation consultant, pelvic floor physical therapist, etc. If you haven’t already, check out the About Me section.



When researching continuous labor support, authors have found that there are only benefits, no known harm in having a doula.

Compared to women who didn’t have continuous support, those that do are less likely to:

  • have an epidural

  • use any type of pain medication 

  • give birth by cesarean section 

  • give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps

  • give birth to a baby with a low Apgar score five minutes after birth

  • be dissatisfied with, or negatively rate, their childbirth experience


Frequently Asked Questions

What if the birthing woman’s partner wants to be a major source of support?

That’s amazing- so happy to hear that! Karissa facilitates optimal communication between the parents and the medical providers as well as between the parents themselves. If the partner doesn’t feel like they know what to do, Karissa can offer suggestions. Depending on the length of the birth, Karissa stays with the laboring partner so the’re never alone, and the other can grab some food, rest, or take any other breaks that s/he may need. All of this being said, Karissa loves the opportunity to give the mama or couple as much space as they desire. It’s actually the perfect time to be a “fly on the wall” and snap some photos.

Is a doula the same as a midwife?

No. They are actually very different. A midwife provides clinical care to the mother. Although a doula typically does not have any medical training, Karissa is a licensed acupuncturist. She offers non-clinical advice as well as the above-mentioned education, emotional support and physical comfort measures (e.g. hip squeezes, acupressure, and applying essential oils) as the mother journeys through her pregnancy, the birthing process, and the postpartum period.

What Items are in her doula bag?

  • Heat Sources

  • Cold Sources 

  • Massage Tools 

  • Massage Oil 

  • Essential Oils (and a diffuser, if you don’t have one)

  • Acupuncture supplies

  • Battery operated candles



"The birth of my daughter was a beautiful experience thanks to Karissa! I wanted an un-medicated birth and couldn't have done it without Karissa there to help me through it. She not only had a myriad of techniques for pain management but also supported me emotionally before, during and after labor. She met with me and helped me create a simple, easy to consume birth plan to give to my doctor and the hospital staff which made a big difference in the care they provided during my labor. Karissa also met with my husband and helped him to support me during labor as well. Karissa knew exactly what to do and say to get me through contractions and when it came time to push she was there to guide me so we could welcome our daughter unbound by medical procedures and interventions. Karissa worked seamlessly with the medical staff making sure my wishes were heard and understood. I don't know how she took on so many roles during those intense hours but I am so grateful she did! Karissa visited us after the birth bringing not only the comfort of her own warm presence but also a comforting and nutritious dish to help me during the postpartum time. I would highly recommend Karissa as a birth doula and am happy to share my experience with anyone interested. I look forward to telling my daughter of how she came into this world on her own terms with the help of a most wonderful and caring person who was there for her and her mom and dad in every way!”

Isabela G.

“Karissa was an amazing doula! It was our first pregnancy, she was such a wonderful resource and helped us create a birth plan, posed questions that we didn’t even know to ask of our doctors, and was a steadfast advocate for me during my entire labor at the hospital. The methods and strategies she used to help me while in labor were beyond perfect. On top of all this, she captured so many special moments of our daughter being born and us snuggling her for the first time—the photos are priceless. I cannot recommend her services enough! She’s fabulous and we are forever grateful to her!”

Teresa D.

“Dear Karissa, I can't thank you enough for being my doula and for helping my husband and I bring our daughter into the world. You were really excellent at remaining flexible and making yourself available and ready for whatever came your way. I loved all the support you offered during the birth, and in some ways regret that we didn't have a longer road to travel together during the birth. Of course, I can't really regret this, as who wants a longer, more complicated birth? But you know what I mean. You were very attentive, sensitive and loving throughout our time together and I'll always be grateful for your presence- and your foot massages! I also so appreciate that delicious brisket & the veggies and more importantly just your follow-up and ongoing care & concern. You make me feel special & cared for, and that is the best feeling of all!”

Tristan H.

“For anyone who’s considering using a doula, it’s one of the best decisions you’ll make. Karissa is amazing. She’s so knowledgeable and compassionate. As first time parents, no matter how well-informed we were, my partner and I didn’t feel like we really knew what we were doing. She provided the support that we needed to feel confident throughout my pregnancy. She was such a rock during my labor, with the best tools and suggestions to help keep me calm and comfortable, and to help determine the best time to go to the hospital. She also helped my partner understand his role in supporting me so that we felt closer despite having another person there. This was also during covid when we couldn’t have any family join us at the hospital. Giving birth is such a powerful and intimate experience that by the end of the day, she felt like family. She took the most amazing photos of the birth that I didn’t realize would be so incredibly precious to me until I looked back on them. She’s also an incredible resource postpartum, even helping troubleshoot challenges with our newborn. I think I would feel confident doing a homebirth next time, with Karissa by my side. Plus, she loves babies and you can never send her too many photos of your little one.”

Julia M.

“While most things baby related are a blur now, the one thing I remember clearly is that Karissa had my back. Day and night I could rely on her to respond quickly with helpful information, guiding questions or words of never ending support. This helped me shape a birth plan that not only aligned with my values, but one that I was genuinely excited about it! Unfortunately in the end, I needed a c-section. My husband and I were so sad when we found out that Karissa wouldn't be allowed in the surgery room—she had become like family to us! Even though our birth plan didn't go the way I planned, I could not have felt so relaxed and dare I say ready for the whole process. Even in the face of a c-section, she helped me see the bigger picture and find the strength to follow my gut. Afterwards, in the hospital, she visited us with essential oils and a camera in hand (she captured the sweetest photos of our new little family)! Her support before and after the birth of our now 9 month old meant the world to us. I highly recommend Karissa for her dedication, wealth of knowledge and positive, understanding and encouraging attitude! I recently moved to Minnesota, and I'm already thinking about how she can be my doula for our next ;)”

Alyssa M.

“Dear Karissa, I cannot even begin to express how much it meant for me to have you at my birth as my doula. I am so lucky to have had you as such an amazing friend and then to share in such an amazing birth experience. I feel like we are forever connected in a sisterhood! I will never forget how much you were there for me through the worry, the anxiety, the tears, and then finally through the empowering process of birthing my daughter. You truly guided me and eased me through a perfect birth. And my husband too… I know he would have been much more of a wreck if you were not by his side with your calm presence. Being a doula is definitely in your blood, definitely what you were meant to do! Thank you so much for all of your love and strength you brought into this birth. My daughter was so blessed to be born into a room of such loving energy. I will forever be in your debt.”

Beth F.


Essential Oil Products

Do you love the oil blends that Karissa uses during your treatments?   Do you wish you could take that feeling you get during your acupuncture treatment with you throughout the week? You can!

Karissa offers rollerballs, as well as room sprays, for purchase at the office. 

Not local? They can be shipped to you.

Not a patient? They can be shipped to you, or you can pick them up from the office. 

Whether it’s a special occasion, or you just want to support a friend or family member through something, these products also make great gifts!

 All products are made with therapeutic grade essential oils and organic ingredients, like fractionated coconut oil, whenever possible.

Karissa uses her knowledge of Eastern herbs, essential oils, and acupressure points to create every product and recommend to you where to apply.



“Your Calm Your Mind roller has made the last couple weeks survivable. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us ❤️”

- Vanessa J

“I gave the oils as a gift to a friend. She said they are easy to apply and she really thinks they do help her state of mind!”

- Kelsey S

“I use my sleep rollerball every night and it is working great!”

- Bridget

“The Ease Your Tension is my favorite! It works really well for middle of the day headaches.”

- Cassie

“I am LOVE-ing my oils.  They are perfect and I’m ordering for my friends!”

- Robin